Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A new discourse

I stopped writing for a while to reflect on its utility considering the prevailing notion that most people do not read newspapers anymore. While some writers claim that writing is its own reward, I think that nobody really writes just for its own sake. Regardless of kind and quality, writing is always purpose-directed. A writer’s motivation maybe deeply personal as to express hidden thoughts but once he or she committed these thoughts to paper, the writing fulfills a latent purpose: expressing the sentiments to anyone who may come across it.

Writing can become very burdensome for somebody who writes because of the need to comply with academic or professional requirements. Anyway, writing is not supposed to be exciting always. In fact, it cannot be done without any difficulty as even the most experienced writers find it difficult sometimes.

Writing can also become a self-consuming addiction as anyone who writes is always susceptible to give in to the urge of striving for higher standard every time he or she feels confident of the craft. This explains why it is considered by many as an art whose perfection is beyond human conception.

I have written about some political and social issues which appear interconnected with one another. Writing about them for more than once feels not only repetitive but also boring. No wonder then that critics dismiss repetitive articles as partisan propaganda against the establishment or as justifications for an emerging new socio-cultural normal. Be that as it may, the necessity of talking about these issues more often cannot be denied. Headlines should continue to show pressing concerns such as human rights, governance, and political freedom to remind the public of their importance. Discourses on these subjects are believed to be essential to the flourishing of democracy and the promotion of the public good. 

This shows the inevitability of discourse in our day to day existence. Engaging in a discourse is an everyday routine for all of us. In fact, some of us may have earned the reputation of becoming a master of discourse already because of our predilection to engage in discussion or to start one even when it is not necessary.

The term discourse evokes many meanings. The different academic and social constructs that the term receives have resulted to anxiety and confusion. The word received such perplexing connotations that people have become anxious about it.

Surprisingly, dictionaries provide a much simpler meaning for the term. For instance, the Cambridge online dictionary defines discourse as written or spoken discussion while the Oxford dictionary states that it is a formal discussion of a topic in a speech or writing. Meanwhile, Meriam Webster dictionary refers to the term as verbal interchange of ideas.

Thus, we have set the stage for spirited discourses in the coming days. I hope that we can have a meaningful discussion on concerns that matter to us whether as individuals or members of society. At the end of the day, I pray that we will all profit by the exchange of ideas and the display of tolerance and solidarity.

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